Volunteer Wanted - Fundraising Manager
Do you have experience in the non-profits or social enterprise sector dealing with grants proposals and fundraising in general? Have a passion for helping others? If so, we need you!
The Cheeky Kea Charitable Trust is looking for a Fundraising Director to join our board of directors, who can bring experience to the table to back up our vision.
The position will be a part-time volunteer position to begin with, with the potential to grow into a full-time waged position depending on your success. It is a flexible position that will grow with us. If you can help us get bigger, then your opportunities will grow alongside us!
Position is internet-based and can be carried out from anywhere, but our ideal applicant would be a Kiwi or an Australian with a good understanding of how the grants funding circuit in New Zealand works.
Interested? Have questions? Flick us an email and let's have a chat!
Contact Us
Have questions regarding our services? Send us a message! We're always happy to have a chat.
If you have any trouble with the form,you can email us direct at info@cheekykea.com